The study examined the Evaluation of Availability, Organization and Utilization of Multimedia Resources for Teaching Social Studies in Colleges of Education in North-Central Nigeria. The study is guided by six specific objectives, six corresponding research questions null hypotheses. However, the study used male and female lecturers of Social Studies selected from state and federal colleges of education in the study are (north-central, Nigeria). Furthermore, survey research design is used. The study used census purposive sampling because of the manageability of the population of the study. The study also used structured questionnaire titled ―Availability, Organization and Utilization of Multimedia Resources Questionnaire (AOUMREQ) as data collection instrument. The instrument is validated by supervisors and statisticians for content and face values. The study pilot tested the instrument and it is certified as statistically fit for the main work. However, the study used independent samples t-test to validate the study’s null hypotheses and arithmetic mean, standard deviation to answer the research questions. The study among other thing discovered that there is no significant difference in the opinions of male and female respondents (Lecturers) on the availability of multimedia resources for effective teaching of Social Studies in colleges of education in North-Central Zone and no significant difference in the opinions of male and female respondents (Lecturers) on the organization of multimedia resources for effective teaching of Social Studies in colleges of education in North-Central Zone. the study made some recommendations among which are the Federal Government through its agencies like National Commission for Colleges of Education (NCCE), TETFUND and the likes should organize more workshop, seminar and in-house training for its academic staff in colleges of education to widen their awareness, organization and effective utilization of multimedia resources the utilization of multimedia resources can be improved by providing virtual libraries with uninterrupted internet facilities and power supply. This will assists Social Studies Lecturers to access these resources at no cost.
Background of the Study
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Chapter One: Introduction
1.1 Background of the Study
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Background of the Study
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